Collaborative haiku animation
In collaboration with Kamari Bright and The Northwest Film Forum, I designed, taught, and edited this introductory, hands-on workshop highlighting non-traditional expressions of poetry.
This was one of seven offsite AWP events that I organized and facilitated at NWFF during the Association of Writers & Writing Programs conference when it took place in Seattle.
A writer and curator exploring the liminal spaces of the literary arts. I am the author of two chapbooks and have fiction, reviews, and poetry published widely. My interest in how words can be experienced has led to solo work and collaborations to create installations, music performances, broadsides, karaoke, and video poetry. I founded and directed Till, a literary organization that offered an annual writing residency, and am currently co-director of Cadence Video Poetry Festival at Northwest Film Forum.
I’m also a very professional professional
A writer and curator exploring the liminal spaces of the literary arts. I am the author of two chapbooks and have fiction, reviews, and poetry published widely. My interest in how words can be experienced has led to solo work and collaborations to create installations, music performances, broadsides, karaoke, and video poetry. I founded and directed Till, a literary organization that offered an annual writing residency, and am currently co-director of Cadence Video Poetry Festival at Northwest Film Forum.
I’m also a very professional professional