WORDS         STRUCTURES         STRATEGIES        IDENTITIES          



Powow meets pop art meets punching bags in Jeffrey Gibson: Like a Hammer

A combination of strategy, management, video production, and writing created a seamless end-to-end visitor experience, from first-touch ads to post-visit survey.


Drawing on the importance of intersectionality in equity conversations taking place at the time, I developed a marketing and communications strategy designed to offer many connection points for a diverse array of audiences to identify with. The campaign began with an introduction of the artist to both new acquistion and inner circle audiences. As recognition of the artist and campaign grew, content was adapted for more engaged audiences.


Combining the pop sensibility and music influence in Gibson’s art, I riffed off the VH1 Pop-Up Video trope to write a series of “pop-art videos” that emphasized the cultural references in Gibson’s work.

I produced a series of community voice videos for Jeffrey Gibson: Like A Hammer. Through my connections in the local art world, I solicited and collaborated with local Indigenous artists to bring meaningful and fun community perspectives to the exhibition. Centering these voices allowed for a broader understanding and interpretation of Gibson’s work, outside of the institutional perspective.


With input from the exhibition advisory board, I developed an iterative copy direction that emphasized Gibson’s identity, the themes, cultural references, and aesthetic traditions of the artwork. This artwork-adaptable tagline accompanied a suite of social assets that deployed over the entire duration of the exhibition. 


I was the key point of contact with our digital marketing consultants managing SAM’s ad campiagn on Facebook and Instagram. This involved segmenting audience lists, adapting campaign copy per audience, reviewing analytics and adjusting approach based on results.


A writer and curator exploring the liminal spaces of the literary arts. I am the author of two chapbooks and have fiction, reviews, and poetry published widely. My interest in how words can be experienced has led to solo work and collaborations to create installations, music performances, broadsides, karaoke, and video poetry. I founded and directed Till, a literary organization that offered an annual writing residency, and am currently co-director of Cadence Video Poetry Festival at Northwest Film Forum.


Approaching communications and creative direction with a storyteller’s craft and a poet’s ear. I have more than a decade of experience increasing engagement with meaningful brand experiences through creative approaches. My unique blend of marketing, programming, and writing skills allows me to understand and connect with a wide spectrum of audiences. I have defined and produced end-to-end experiences for artists, businesses, consumers, and stakeholders while growing followings and margins across industries.
