WORDS         STRUCTURES         STRATEGIES        IDENTITIES          



The I on the lounge of language, this bed where I lies and dreams itself the dreamer. Dreams of every story a love story and all these letters, lovers. 

IDK is about constructing narratives and nonsense. A nearly illegible love story—one of the more common narratives, a most common form of nonsense. The broken syntax of the poem in layout and the visual reference to a dictionary destroys definition and makes plain how we invent meaning in romantic narratives where we are often choosing and changing our minds.

The text of the poem is hand transferred to a bed sheet designed to look like a misprinted dictionary page.

There are no spaces between the words and 12 models are imposed on the sheet in a collage of shapes and combinations making the text into a background.

The audio allows you to experience a reading of the poem while the video visually unpacks the intentionally obtuse text.

The title, IDK, offers a metanarrative that reveals the theme of disillusioned love and fickle decision making.

Film Festivals
Finalist in Festival Fotogenia, Mexico City, 2023
Vertifilms - Vertical films festival, Bilbao, 2023
FLIGHT / Mostra Internazionale del Cinema di Genova, 2023
Bizarrya Short Film Festival, Porto, 2023
VideoBardo International Video Poetry Festival, Buenos Aires, 2016

TUF LUV, King Street Station Seattle, 2016.
Love is So Wierd, Cairo, Seattle, 2016.


A writer and curator exploring the liminal spaces of the literary arts. I am the author of two chapbooks and have fiction, reviews, and poetry published widely. My interest in how words can be experienced has led to solo work and collaborations to create installations, music performances, broadsides, karaoke, and video poetry. I founded and directed Till, a literary organization that offered an annual writing residency, and am currently co-director of Cadence Video Poetry Festival at Northwest Film Forum.


Approaching communications and creative direction with a storyteller’s craft and a poet’s ear. I have more than a decade of experience increasing engagement with meaningful brand experiences through creative approaches. My unique blend of marketing, programming, and writing skills allows me to understand and connect with a wide spectrum of audiences. I have defined and produced end-to-end experiences for artists, businesses, consumers, and stakeholders while growing followings and margins across industries.
